Those Poor Persecuted Christians

Two Thousand years. That's how long it's been since Jesus died on that large roman symbol of pain and suffering.
I believe in that fact.
I believe that there is a God, and that He is watching.
I haven't found too many organized religions that I think He would approve of.
Having said that, I will now be a blasphemous traitor to the thousands of brainwashed frightened Americans screaming that they are persecuted, living in fear of being nailed up on one of those in the near future.
Give yourself the respect that God does. Use that very smart brain He put in you. You, the greater portion of persecution believers, are being duped.
There are some horrible places in the world where Christians (or Muslims, or Tootsie Tribes, or other religious groups) are being persecuted. This isn't it. Most Americans feel that Christians are the persecutors here, eschewing tolerance and diversity, creating "straw men" issues ranging from school prayer (which is allowed- just not REQUIRED, and cannot be led by a teacher as that pressures and persecutes other religions to feel intimidated and segregates the children who do not participate. THAT creates kids picking on kids for what they believe, something we do not tolerate in America), to posting the 10 commandments in public places where legal decisions are made (Everyone who is NOT a Christian is not included in those "laws", creating a 2 tier system of government where one group feels their interests are served by BOTH the secular laws and the religious beliefs of the court, and the rest feel that they are not equal in the eyes of the court).

America was supposed to be a haven for EVERYONE with tolerance and diversity, where no person felt they were being denied their rights based on religion. A lofty goal, and one few people truly take into their hearts.
But once ANY group is told by leaders they trust that they are under attack, human nature is to fight back, to be unfair to those who do not believe as you do, and to become irrational. Jim Jones exploited those human traits and led over 100 people to their deaths. The religious leaders that feed the fear, that make Christians think they must push anger and war to bring on Armageddon and the end of the world (doing "God's" work) are not right. God will bring what God brings when He is darned good and ready. He might look askance at you for taking matters into your own hands.
Jesus spoke about false gods and having his followers misled. He was a liberal, and espoused ALL the traits of same. He offered a great role model- one that most of the fearmongers have overlooked.
Don't impose yourself through the law on others. That was what the Romans did.
It's a thick piece of thinking I doubt most believers can grok right now. They hear the sound of distanct drums coming for them. I do wish they would turn off the TV and radio, and go out into America. Doing God's work includes forgiveness and being tolerant of everyone. Few are.
I bet Jesus would dig Janism, but would weep when he met most Christians.
Just keep looking at the wackos and saying "Jesus was a liberal, and you are not like him".
It drives them nuts.
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