Start Making Sense

Well, I am not sticking my neck out on this one, as it is apparent to every journalist in the free world that a religion that demands the whole nation to follow their rules is a Taliban, and when the members start making that demand of the entire world, they are ignorant.
Uneducated backward primitive narrow minded illogical fervant radical zealots of death and hatred.
GOD is not happy about this. Whomever she is.

So lets get right to the premise. The minority sects of the middle east that happen to THINK they are Muslims (they are not, they have been lied to and isolated) have decided that since THEY think Allah is the one and only prophet of God and have a rule about images of him, that everyone has to follow that.
Ya know, I would like to make a polite statement here, but I can't.
I cannot believe anyone would think that they could legislate and demand the entire population of a country or a world to follow the mandatory teachings of any religious organization. Think of it. No more coffee world wide 'cuz it offends the Mormons. No more television because it offends the Amish. No more sex because it offends the faux American Christians. No more world.
Oh- wait. South Dakota has outlawed abortion due to religious beliefs. Pharmacists refuse to fill legal birth control prescriptions. Legal guardians with the best medical advice in the world cannot follow the wishes of their spouses when they are brain dead. Schools have outlawed givig children their legally prescribed and medically indicated medications. Oh- wrong subject.
Gimme a BREAK! There is no liberty and justice for anyone, anywhere, if everyone has to follow just one religions rules. GET THAT YET?
Better yet, how about if all of us that are fed up with being given the ONE TRUE WAY speech from all these morons world wide join THIS religion:

You will love this site. It is, for all intents and purposes, creating an exacting religion that has just as much right to exist as yours, your mama's, the Taliban's, or the pancake lady's. Belief may be a powerful personal feeling- but that's IT. It is not science, it is not proven, it is not all encompassing and for anyone with a single blinking brain cell to think that they should impose their religious beliefs- and their taboo's- on others is really stupid.
But, being a woman, I see a lot of stupid in this world. Not all of it from men, but the majority, yes.
So, I want to make you think again. I want the people that are not thinking to hear from you all. I want you to ask anyone who demands ANYTHING of you with respect to their religious beliefs (including the ones they wanted legislated- that's just the Taliban with a nice mask) to have to first spend a week following Flying Spaghetti Monsterism. Someday, I would love to live to see the day when we really are a free nation, and a free world where everyone's beliefs are respected. Right now, there are too many people who feel that not only should everyone else let them follow the God they want to- but they want all the rest of us to follow it to.
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