Monday, February 13, 2006

The Gang that Couldn't shoot straight

This year, the Quail have nothing to fear. REAL men are in the woods.

Once again, the rich are WAY different.
Vice fascist Dick the Prick managed to shoot his hunting partner Saturday while out killing pheasants for sport. We will discuss in detail what the hell is wrong with finding pleasure in killing animals at a later date. Please do remember however, that killing animals for sport is the first sign of pathological psychosis in teenagers. Those that kill and torture people usually start by enjoying the murder of animals.

For now, we will try to focus on what the hell is wrong with AMERICA for continuing to support-- hey, even apologize and excuse this group of original American abusers.
Let's get with a few basics..

Cheney didn't have a tag to bag squat. He decided it was OK to just pick up a gun and shoot something without the necessary permit. He didn't feel like paying Fish and Game their legal tithe to go kill something.
Now, there are about a bazillion things wrong with this. This is the SECOND highest legal representative of the executive branch of our government, President of the Senate, and, supposedly, still has some living brain tissue, yet the basic automatic function of every hunter to be LEGAL never crossed his mind???

Of course not. These guys don't have to be legal like you and me. The law doesn't count for them, weather it is buying and selling stock, beating prisoners in Gitmo in violation of the Geneva convention, driving drunk, pulling your kids military records to cover their failures, or bothering to get your tags in order to go out and kill something.

Now, I know for a bleeding liberal FACT that if you, or I, or any goddamned Republican that makes an hourly wage and owns just one pick up truck was found in violation of that law, they would have their gun confiscated, they would be given at minimum a citation, and often, they are flat out arrested. Calif. Fish and Game will arrest a person for standing and fishing without a license-- and most folks will agree that fishing is the least henious of all the killing fields.

Cheney is a free range abuser, crossing all social lines, and the "tags" issue is just the tip of the "rich are different" story here. Turns out, the local sherrif didn't think it was NECESSARY to bother interviewing the VP until the next day. Damn- I want that life! Shoot someone, send them to the hospital, and get to go home and schedule your chat with the local police for some time more CONVIENIENT????????

Hell.... Not since Scott Peterson has the guilty party been given so much leeway, and at least in HIS case the local PD was still collecting evidence. I guess if you are the VP, walking around with a weapon on your buddies private ranch, without bothering to get a permit, and then you SHOOT the SOB, then of COURSE the logical next step is for your "good old boy" local sherrif to kinda smile and shake it all off to "boys will be boys", smiling for the press and amicably meandering on out to shake your hand, get a quick photo shoot, and then frame that picture for over the desk as you write "accident" on the one page report (which was, in all likelyhood, overseen by White House Council sitting on his right hand side and dictating the exact phases to use).

Must be nice living that kind of life. I wish I could accidentally shoot a friend while illegally hunting and get to head on home for a cold one and a shower before getting around to chatting with the local constabulary.


Ok, that's actually my second thought. My first was regret that Chaney was not .. oh hell, better not tell ya that one. Considering the reach of Carnivore, the western Gestapo can have a team of swathounds at my house faster than Dominoes Pizza. Better let those regrets live on as artistic merit in a parody song to be produced at a later date.
IN 5 years, Through all the errors, the goofs, the arrogant oversights, the messes, I cannot find a moment of humble. Not one photo of repentant. Not a shred of feeling responsible or guilty. When Cheney is not allowed to scuttle off from the press (yes, he did THAT today too- one moment he's at the White House with staff, and the next, as the press comes in the front door, Dickey boy slides out the back), he bluffs and brazens his way at the cameras like the bull moose he is- a man with so much fear in him, so much determination to prove that his life is not a disgusting mess, that he will never once admit to being wrong.
Now, I don't know about you, but I think that I can pretty much GUARANTEE that there is no human being on the planet that has gone even 1 full year without making one mistake, taking one false step, having one error of judgment (large or small, Rumsfeldian or republican penis size)

So, What are we, the voting republic, to make of all this crap? Is it better to have "real men" that don't have sex with their wives but do spend time with their guns in the White House, and if so, how are we to protect ourselves from their artillery games?

Should we have mandatory blow jobs for everyone in public office? If this offends you, is it due to the fact that you dislike talking about sex, or because you aren't getting any?

If you agree with me, are you doing all you can to convince everyone you know to never ever vot for a Republican- because when they do, they are showing support for the abusive leaders, the men that make Noriega look like Jimmy Carter (who, buy the way, finally had even HIS Christian charity pushed beyond reason-- He is now actively speaking out against this administration, and for him, that is the equivelent of the Pope condoning condoms).

Remember- there is more to this story, and you will never know about it. Those they can't quiet with money they will invite to go hunting.


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