Monday, August 08, 2005

Welcome to the cutting edge-bring your own Band-Aids.

Welcome to the start of something... Interesting.
For those of you who don't know, I am a freelance published writer that had a column for 10 years, writing about this, that, and whatever.
Those years were great- but the weekly deadline for a newspaper became less and less fun, and the format gave little room to explore some important issues. And to vent when I darned well felt like it.
My readership when I left the paper was around 10,000 folks (well, those that liked me. There were probably 20,000 that always kept a ripe tomato around!).
This is my first foray into "blogging" or, as I like to think of it, public diaries. Samuel Pepys would roll over in his grave if he knew. So would my best friend, so we won't tell her if I reveal anything licentious.
I am hoping that I can produce a new column every two weeks to start with, as well as updates on the old work, new book, and local news/reviews, and BS.
This is not for the feign of heart, so don't feign, OK?


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