Start with Respecting each other

Today I read a post that alluded to the idea that, for the US, now, that the ends justify the means-so that it's OK to do whatever you do because there is some "end plan" that *should* be the larger good. Of course, that's not how the US government was ever intended to work, especially when it comes to foreign policy.
I think that funding a war is fine and good and well (notwithstanding how people feel about it, or even discussing *this* war in particular), but to do so at the detriment of major infrastructure repairs that have been well documented for over 5 years (National Geographic had a whole issue about this problem 5 years ago, Time Magazine forecasted this scenario more than a year ago, etc... google historical print articles) is just plain stupid.
I don't like seeing homeland security comprised strictly of rhetoric, and this hurricane disaster speaks volumes about how well we can handle stuff here in the US. The hurricane at least had the common decency to send us a week's worth of notice so TRY to mitigate the disaster. Terrorist attacks will not be so kind. Allowing a city to deteriorate deliberately while funding is funneled elsewhere- and that elsewhere is and elective option- is not sound judgment. I doubt if anyone here would continue to feel the US was justified in diverting funds if their family was on the GG bridge and it collapsed and killed them- and we found out that the scenario had been repeatedly predicted and was one of the top 3 disasters predicted nationwide unless funding was found to make repairs. The disaster of FEMA before (they had disaster official notice 48 hours before landfall by the Governor, as required by all laws) and after (hell-- when you have to make excuses for not knowing what's going on while 5 news stations are broadcasting it to America) is yet a separate issue, one of a deterioration in standards for giving political buddies posts- it has always happened, only the current low standards for what buddies qualify for important jobs is now non-existant. *I* have better credentials than Brownie, having worked for a PD for 8 years and run disaster scenarios, emergency evacuation plans, etc., as well as business sense. But, sadly, all of this is just not going to change, for those who feel that any criticism of the Govt. is an undermining of govt. will not change their views (although I notice they had no problems doing so during the Clinton administration), and those who feel otherwise aren't going to stop bringing up issues.
What we CAN do is decide that our local issues are what we will focus on in the neighborhood list- and then debate HOW to make the things we all want to have happen occur. Example: All of us want to alleviate traffic issues on Lincoln. Some want to redraw the lanes to one each way. Some want to detour larger traffic patterns. Some want to encourage growth, and some want to just not hear noise.
NO matter what we do or print, all I personally ask is that before someone writes something, research it a little bit. Google it, check out some resource materials. Make sure those resource materials are not talk radio. Make sure those resource materials are not Soldier of Fortune, Greenpeace, or anything else on the far end of the spectrum of either side. There are plenty of long term, well respected journalistic endeavors and informational locations that have been around long enough to prove that they try not to LEAN at all, but provide information. If the only place you get your news is either FOX *or* Saturday Night Live, you are limiting what facts you get and giving those who like to manipulate the population an advantage. Keep in mind that "mission creep" has occurred over the last 15 years as every large news source has been purchased and become part of a larger origination. Find out who owns that organization before listening to their news source (Rupert Murdock??? Steve Case of AOL??? NPR??? Mother Jones (which, buy the way, takes no advertising from anyone)????
I have had some nasty shocks over the years, and have come to the conclusion that when I learn something ugly about the party I support, turning away, justifying it, or seeking contradictory and supporting rhetoric is easy. But not true. Gramma said truth doesn't change, and I think she was right. It's how you look at it that makes a difference. And if you can look your neighbors in the eye afterwards.
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