Speaking of Voices in an Empty Room

Sometimes, no matter how far behind you are, there has to be a moment to stop and read the rest of the opinions on the planet-- maybe not ALL of them, but a smattering. The boring ones get skimmed so fast your browser spins, and the more interesting ones get a moment of glory...
So while wandering around I found some very interesting spots here..
Gotta love the user info here. Keeps you smiling.
So while wandering around I found some very interesting spots here..
Gotta love the user info here. Keeps you smiling.
I wish he had a spot where I could find the answers--- he asks GREAT riddles... thought provolking things. Mythos of play kind of spot.
I love the imagination some folks have for their lives- and often wonder why they weren't hired in stead of some of the hacks that seem to appear ad nauseum on the print pages of the world:http://slowlyboilingfrog.blogspot.com/
There are blogs of honor about social justice, love, and the rightness of being that I admire:
Now, there are a lot of crap out there, advertising blogs, and things I cannot read- mostly spanish blogs. There are "family" blogs- pages like huge family newsletters with pictures, most notable for the fact that no one wants to read them unless they are related or pathetically lonely and bordering on some social psychosis.

Proves my point... even if you don't find it mentally challenging, it's still great stuff!

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