They aren't the Badlands for Nothin'

They have passed a law against all abortions.
Not after the first trimester, not discounting rape or a 10 year old being the pregnant victim. Nope- they got that sanctity of life buzz.
Or not.
These laws aren't based on when life begins, as we know from standard scientific fact. They are based on religious beliefs, which makes them illegal according to our constitution and separation of church and state.
That is pretty simple to figure out. Like the sun rising in the east and a flat earth and a 6, 000 year old planet and Jesus coming tomorrow-- um... forget that last part.

I have never understood the need of the human being to force what any individual wants on everyone around them. Validating the ego?
Power struggles? Mental illness?
It doesn't matter. This was set in motion 6 years ago, when shrub took office. The powers that have choked on Roe vs. Wade were promised a Supreme Court that would support a religious state and wipe out personal freedoms to fuck who you want, so where you want, get medical care without state interventions, and be a deviant should you choose (that internet porn bull is really a great smokescreen for persecution of sex).

So now they got the cat fight they wanted. Gonna wipe out that evil law that guarnateed women that are already born the right to NOT be forced breeders. After all- women should pay the price for having sex- that's the punishment for "doing it" without wanting to have a child.

And now trying to force women to spend 9 months pregnant and loving it.
I often wonder just how many laws they are going to pass to keep women from just starving themselves until they naturally abort, eating mild poisions until they natually abort, and otherwise using drugs and abusing themselves- afte all, if you force a woman to be and stay pregnant, you certaintly can't expect her to CARE, can you? And therein is the rub. How can you trust me with a child if you won't allow me the choice?
You can't. But all the rich white folks bemoaning not enough pure babies to adopt are gonna roll the dice and then deal with it afterwards.
I am going to find a Planned Parenthood outlet that will run buses in and out of South Dakota on a weekly basis to help women escape the place. And my tourist dollars won't be spent there. And I am writing my congresspersons to veto any legislation for pork there. I am sure the zealots will love their new martyrdom.
Backward, backward, backward we go! I think they were just jealous that Kansas was getting all the publicity. I hear Florida is a little pissed it didn't win the race, too. But you're right. Gotta give this one to SoDak. They are now officially "Holier Than Thou". (You'd think it would have been Utah. Strange that the Mormons didn't win, isn't it? Or do Mormons allow abortion?)
I don't think they allow dissent- so there is no reason to pass any laws. Now if they would just admit that their poligamists are paying for their kids at taxpayer exspense on welfare funds, at least they could claim to be honest.
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