Monday, January 02, 2012

My Fellow Americans

I hate to think about the reality of the USA.
On the one hand, there is this movement of humans that can vote who truly believe it is OK to legislate religion- so long as it is THEIR religion, and on the other hand, there is the sad fact that these same people are so insulated from real information that they cannot learn from their mistakes nor take in new facts that might change their opinions.. Like Michel Bachman they would rather run from talking with people and cry rape/wolf (bathroom, ex nun and a lesbian want to talk, she screams and claims held against her will....) than consider that the people who they listen to might be liars with their own agendas.
The third problem? We can't kill them or throw them off the island- they are here, and even if we win this round of arguments, even if we get good presidents, even if the Supreme Court keeps upholding rights, they are here forever, and they will stall us and waste time and money and lie and do everything a spoiled willful child (see reference Karl Rove) does to distract parents from making the best choice. They will drag down Congress so that real laws don't get passed, and they will undermine even the most banal and needed laws if they were introduced by liberals..
They are our worst nightmares, The Never Ending Story of Angry Birds, the wild arsonist in the wheat fields, the nasty wealthy Aunt who uses her money to blackmail everyone in the family into waiting on her hand and foot. They are part of us, and we cannot get away from them any more than Sidney Poitier could escape those chains and get away from Tony Curtis.
Killing them suddenly seems like a great idea hu?
But that is Un-American (which is why Ann the man Coulter proposes it so often).
We are the liberals, the progressives, the forward thinkers and are supposed to be better than that.
Sometimes i just HATE it when I have to be the bigger person. Mom raised me right, but it still rankles.

So what to do, what to do.

These people are truly scum, seriously religiously deranged, and often more than happy to lie and cheat and undermine the Constitution to get what they want. The school yard bullies, our own Eric Cartmans, are impossible to work around or ignore.
They will not wok with us at all- by their own admittance, they find the idea of compromise against their beliefs in a pure and perfect world they both inhabit and create.

President Obama came into power truly thinking that he could forge common ground, could find compromise for the good of all.
These right wingnuts do not CARE about the good of all--or even their own good. They would rather "poison the well" and die right along side their enemies than give in and share. They are the spoiled rotten dirty bastards of history.

So what to do, what to do.

Things are getting worse. They are boiling over. Nice liberals are being shot- and their side does not denounce it, barely gives lip service of a negative nature, and moves along with their bashing. The number of Americans that will vote and give voice is already at a peak, and the ones who DO vote are almost exactly evenly divided about what they want. There are as many of the wingnuts as there are the moral rational liberals that vote. And while we keep cancelling each other out at the polls, their mistakes (judges, laws, school systems, Boy Scout Troops) keep churning along making things worse.
We have a lake polluted beyond repair. With new generations of polluted thinkers being allowed into the ranks of voting adults every day. We cannot educate them about the reality of gay life when they want to kill it on religious grounds, we cannot educate them on the inhuman abuse of personal rights when they refuse to allow abortion for anyone for any reason based on their religious ground, we cannot educate them about religion when the just do NOT CARE and will not even listen- they run away screaming and demand laws to protect them from truth or facts that might disprove their sacred religious beliefs.

So what to do, what to do.

I can see why Europe works so well- they kept those countries small. I propose we do too.
Cut the U.S. into 2 parts and just give the religious wingnuts far right conservatives their own part.
Make the GOP illegal in the Free States of America, and refuse to give them our movies, music, books, wine, television, or anything else that takes a creative independent thinker to create.
They can have gun, religion, the current banking system, pollution, jails, and regulated internet, bedrooms, and ovaries.
We will probably have more crime due to our lax beliefs in Zero tolerance and a strong rehabilitation programs-and we will need serious border patrols, because i can guarantee that after living in their own Utopias they will try to come back here and subvert what we have trying to make themselves happy by 'doing it right this time'.... or trying to save us. Or just undermining us so they don't have to watch all the smiling happy people holding hands.
Because when it comes right down too it,they just aren't happy if anyone else is..
It goes against their religion.