Those Poor Victims
I love a good underdog.
I support all the 'victims' of bigger bullies that have pushed them around illegally.
I feel that everyone deserves a chance to speak and not have the majority shut them up, even if they are wrong.
On the other hand, I deplore hypocrites and liars that paint themselves as the little guy for sympathy while they are in charge, while they have historically been powerful, and while they are actually not a victim.
Republicans LOVE this strategy.
They have just as large a voting population as the liberal honorable folks that just voted in a real human for President, yet we are immediately seeing their screaming faces talking about how they are the victims.
Victims of the "liberals now in power".
If you define 'victim' as one who is not getting their way, then yes, I can see how they could cast themselves in that brand of sheep's clothing.
If you define 'victim' as one who, after being caught doing illegal acts, is then punished by lawful means, then yes, they can use that term.
They are victims of the men and women who were arrested and held without any recourse or legal aid or contact with anyone at Gitmo, an off shore prison deliberately designed to be out of legal US jurisdiction and completely under White House control.
They are victims of the people who watched Valerie Plame be outed as a CIA agent as personal revenge by the Vice Presidents office.
They are the victims of the thousands who were illegally kept from the polls in Florida, Ohio, and overseas during the 2000 and 2004 Presidential Elections.
They are victims who run to hide behind the innocent voices of Beck and Limbaugh and O'Reilly, all stalwart citizens who have never been caught in a lie, never done anything illegal, and never misspoke a word.
They are victims of a president in office for 15 weeks who has not done a single thing to any of them.
Nope. I don't buy it for a second.
There are plenty of REAL victims to go around.
The native American people are victims of every administration since Washington's.
The Muslims of America have been victims of discrimination since 9-11.
The women of America are victims of pay inequity, promotional inequity, and discrimination in the work place. They are also victims of medical abuse when denied the right to legal abortions or cancer treatments.
Republican voices of hate and violence, of greed and spending, of silver spoon attitudes, are just angry that they are losers. Sore losers who ran the country into the ground and irritated so many of their fellow citizens that they now have to lie and scream they are victims in an attempt to just gain all the power back-- so they can do it AGAIN.
I don't think so.
I might not love every move the Obama Administration has taken, and i disagree with some of his decisions and failures to push through major reform fast enough for me, but I felt much worse about millions of things with George W. as well-- and didn't cry about it. I got mad over the BIG issues, not if George failed to pull out a chair, vomited on a head of state, screwed up the meaning of words in speeches, even acted like the hick alcoholic puppet he was born to be. I didn't scream that we had an elected president who's wife KILLED SOMEONE while driving drunk. I didn't even bring up the fact that both the Pres and the VP and their wives were all alcoholics when elected, provided they just didn't get bombed while in office.
I focused on the big foul ups.
But this administration doesn't DO big foul ups-- so the losers have to cry over every glass of milk spilled and underling's bad judgment calls.
If you are a Republican, you are not a victim of anything but your own party's actions and arrogance over the last 4 years, and trying to pin it on anyone but yourselves is just more proof of how shallow, ignorant, and whiny you can be.
Some days, although it is not very polite, I want to post bumper stickers on my car and notices on my web sites that convey the message in my head:

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