Crazy Like a Fox

That's the latest term being used to describe Fox News.
There is no dearth of proofs that Fox has crafted it's 'news' department to be the propaganda arm of the far right wing taking it's talking points verbatim from the Bush White House Press Secretary and the G.O.P.'s ongoing verbal krystalnacht .
Downplaying or ignoring obvious gaffs, blunders and violations of law- from the basic abuse of a Vice President who shoots someone in the face and yet is not instantly in touch with the CIA/White House (oh please!) to the disgraceful abuse of power with the operations at Gitmo, in some absurd attempt to claim that having a US operated jail not on US soil was exempt from US law, the Fox News Team (isn't THAT an oxymoron!) consistently supports what the Republican party does and attacks what the Democratic party does.
Now we know that they also are more than happy to splice and dice video to say whatever they want it to say.
Legal forensic experts would have a field day with the reality of what they have obscured and twisted.
No news organization has been accused of more blatant tactics and partisan reporting than Fox, including Fox's ongoing finger pointing at anyone and everyone that *is* doing a fair and unbiased job.
Today's Huffington Post report even has a 'side by side' video to illustrate the reprehensible tactics. Not since Hannity claimed to be a reporter have we seen such sham by a news person or group.
I don't blame the millions of Americans that believe them. Propaganda artists are *specialists* at creating distraction, making claims about their opponents without proof, mishandling information and trying to destroy the credibility of their opponents when they are undermining truth.
It takes a person with a lot of time and some education to be able to read and research all the various claims both parties have made over the years. But it doesn't take a rocket scientist to remember something as blatant as the Cheney White House and their talking lackeys screaming that anyone who spoke badly about the Bush Presidency was a traitor and undermining America and Godless swine. Ann Coulter dragged her bones across the airwaves and through publishing houses for 8 years demanding that Democrats be burnt out of their homes if they so much as disageed with the President.
Yet now that they do not have the control, they violate their very words and, under their own rules, should be called traitors rather than what they are. Bias, manipulative liars.
They get away with it because human nature demands that we feel proud of our decisions, and shame at our failures, so for millions of Americans, admitting they were taken in by the GOP for the last 8 years would be a shame they cannot admit to, and require they re-evalutate how they think, how they vote, and exactly how much they really know about the 'news' they ingest like bottled water.
Meanwhile, they are misled further and further away from the truth, and closer to a bankrupt, empty, jobless future for the US and encouraged to vote against the very things that are in their own best interests.
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