Have mercy, I'm an Orphan!

Nice looking woman that Lizzie Borden. She killed her father and his 2nd wife. She was set free by a jury who could not prove she did it, and for some, felt sorry for her for being an orphan.
See these guys? They are the public figureheads and talking spokesmen for the GOP, which is now standing over the financial body of millions of Americans. They want to pretend they are innocent and that we should pity them.
They want to stop Americans from fixing what they broke.
They want to freak you out.
A new GOP advertisement goes so far as to accuse the Democrats of planning to do what the GOP HAS been doing for 6 of the 8 last years until they messed up so badly that Americans put some Democrats back into one of the branches of government.

They want to stop Americans from fixing what they broke.
They want to freak you out.
A new GOP advertisement goes so far as to accuse the Democrats of planning to do what the GOP HAS been doing for 6 of the 8 last years until they messed up so badly that Americans put some Democrats back into one of the branches of government.
"These liberals want complete control of government in a time of crisis, all branches of government," the ad's narrator states. "No check and balances, no debate, no independence. That's the truth behind Kay Hagan. If she wins, they get a blank check."
Crying foul, pointing fingers and trying to ignore the fact that THEY have been in total power in all branches of government, have not shared power with the Democrats, and have done everything they could to keep TOTAL GOP control, they are now nervous.
They are afraid that the Democratic party will do to them- and the country- what they did to us.
Not a chance.
Democrats have no interest in stripping the country bare, lining their own Halliburton Enron Lehman Brothers pockets and then taking the golden parachute and ignoring what hell they wrought.
We have to clean up their mess.
They stood there and hacked America up with deregulation, retribution wars, and a daily claim that THEY were the victims of the big bad old Democrats that they had left for dead on the couch!
It turned out that the claims in 2000 that the Democrats had glued the drawers shut and stolen the W's on the typewriters in the West Wing were deliberate lies spread to discredit outgoing Clinton staffers.
It turns out that the 'invasion' of Iraq was a sham planned even before Bush took office, in collusion with Tony Blair's administration, to deliberately get rid of a dictator in an oil rich country, and war in Afghanistan conveniently bombed out the EXACT path for an oil pipeline that would have otherwise been too expensive to create.
It turns out that while claiming voter fraud, the GOP fired lawyers that would not illegally and without cause prosecute groups like ACORN when they did their jobs and followed the law.
It turns out that, without any help from anyone , McCain was part of the securities and exchange commissions scandal with Keating- but rather than mention it, his campaign wants to tie Obama to felon years after the man paid the price and turned over a new leaf, and on the flimsiest of excuses.
It turns out that while standing around talking about family values, Sara "I'm almost as qualified as Paris Hilton" Palin had someone fired for NOT illegally firing her ex brother in law.
And she padded state accounts for her kids to travel.
And she did NOT sell a plane on EBAY- but she tried.
And the GOP spent over $149,000.00 to clothe "Mrs. Everywoman".
WTF is up with that kind of logic?
Considering that the GOP is desperately ignoring that RIGHT NOW her predecessor, Ted Stevens, is on TRIAL for corruption, it's kind of funny how they can just ignore everything when cornered.
Be kind to them! Listen to them! They know what they are talking about when they mention destruction-- they are orphans!
Crying foul, pointing fingers and trying to ignore the fact that THEY have been in total power in all branches of government, have not shared power with the Democrats, and have done everything they could to keep TOTAL GOP control, they are now nervous.
They are afraid that the Democratic party will do to them- and the country- what they did to us.
Not a chance.
Democrats have no interest in stripping the country bare, lining their own Halliburton Enron Lehman Brothers pockets and then taking the golden parachute and ignoring what hell they wrought.
We have to clean up their mess.

It turned out that the claims in 2000 that the Democrats had glued the drawers shut and stolen the W's on the typewriters in the West Wing were deliberate lies spread to discredit outgoing Clinton staffers.
It turns out that the 'invasion' of Iraq was a sham planned even before Bush took office, in collusion with Tony Blair's administration, to deliberately get rid of a dictator in an oil rich country, and war in Afghanistan conveniently bombed out the EXACT path for an oil pipeline that would have otherwise been too expensive to create.
It turns out that while claiming voter fraud, the GOP fired lawyers that would not illegally and without cause prosecute groups like ACORN when they did their jobs and followed the law.
It turns out that, without any help from anyone , McCain was part of the securities and exchange commissions scandal with Keating- but rather than mention it, his campaign wants to tie Obama to felon years after the man paid the price and turned over a new leaf, and on the flimsiest of excuses.
It turns out that while standing around talking about family values, Sara "I'm almost as qualified as Paris Hilton" Palin had someone fired for NOT illegally firing her ex brother in law.
And she padded state accounts for her kids to travel.
And she did NOT sell a plane on EBAY- but she tried.
And the GOP spent over $149,000.00 to clothe "Mrs. Everywoman".
WTF is up with that kind of logic?
Considering that the GOP is desperately ignoring that RIGHT NOW her predecessor, Ted Stevens, is on TRIAL for corruption, it's kind of funny how they can just ignore everything when cornered.
Be kind to them! Listen to them! They know what they are talking about when they mention destruction-- they are orphans!
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