Get Your Hypocracy On

Never has anyone been looked up to as an icon of truth and justice by more MORONS and Febes (including Justice Thomas who presided at his last wedding), who cannot even question facts or see bullshit when delivered on a tray.
If anyone of those GOP apologists, liars and thieves (and if you believed Rush for ONE moment YOU are one of them) had bothered to ever question any of the crapola out of his mouth ( try reading this for starters you undereducated crack smokers: ) then maybe the GOP wouldn't have HURT AMERICA so badly that we are more like TOJO's government than one we respect.
So- the Democrats finally get their act together and Nanci Pelosi took the helm to DRIVE them to get organized(and yes, we should be horsewhipped for being so damned naieve and childlike in the face of the goose stepping right wing) , stand together, and act in a cohesive manner against the great satan of GOP, andthey win both the House and Senate with nothing more than the truth (which includes that no matter what you think of politicians, the Dems do not have planks in their platform denouncing the sex lives they actually LIVE!), and guess who decideds to back away from the GOP so fast that he needs a bullet train to beat him out of the room.
Their favorite flag waver, the Rush boy.
WHAT A PIECE OF Distended Rectum he is... not only did he personally hurt the American people by cashing in at their exspense with lies, but then when his precious GOP is finally disrobed for what they are, he suddenly claims he was never a true believer. Rush wouldn't know the truth if you PAID him to tell it!
So here we have him, the man that supported the GOP with made up statitics, used bully boy schoolyard namecalling to avoid interacting with detractors, and pretty much sat there screaming "GOP, GOP" like some doped up cheer leader for 12 years suddenly saying that he won't back them up if their wrong?
Give me a break:
"During his radio show yesterday, conservative personality Rush Limbaugh announced that he felt "liberated" by Tuesday's election results and that he doesn't "have to carry the water for people that I think don't deserve to have their water carried." He said that while he was not going to "eat his own" or "throw my own overboard," he also acknowledged that it isn't his "job to make them succeed."
According to transcripts from the show available on Limbaugh's web site,, Limbaugh said it wasn't his job to make Republicans "look good if they can't do it themselves."
"All I'm saying is it's a little liberating now, once I see the direction we're headed and I look at the reaction to everybody in our movement after this loss. They can take it the way they want to take it, and I'm not going to defend whatever way they go just because they're on my side if I don't believe in the method they're using or the direction they're taking. It's that simple." (Read the transcripts) "
LOL--- wow, of course his job was to make them suceed. That's how he GOT the job. The elbows he gets to rub with in the GOP are ONLY there because he helped them succeed. He was the *CHIEF* Minister of Propaganda and National Enlightenment, ther Goebbels of the 4th Right.
With the well paid (and created from 'stupid scratch' ) Ann Coulter, the irrascible and sexually dangerous Bill O'Reilly with his "no lie to big so long as I get paid" zone, the idiot Hannity (with his paid spot by the GOP and his hand picked sock puppet partner-- my 13 year old SON could debate Hannity better!),and a host of second tier media voices from the GOP paid front, Rush helped rich Americans pull the wool over YOUR eyes.
It would be fun to enjoy his downfall, except that almost half of America is so STUPID that they really do accept this as fact too! I wish I had the guts to just flat out tell these morons that God demands they each give me $100.00. They would- and I'd be rich. If you want to now read the criticisim of FOX, try this site (it is educationally dense,so for those of you that can only understand Rush, ask a college boy to translate) :
Now, if you are NOT still brain washed, try this very prejudiced site (which still has more truth than anything Scalia ever thought): "Wingnuts really need to be more self-aware.
But, as a public service to the ideologically challenged everywhere:
You know you are a wingnut if:
You believe that government should stay out of our lives, then vote for a marriage amendment that imposes a religious definition.
You think Democrats are opposed to sound economic growth, but a $9 trillion deficit created by a republican government with absolute control doesn't make you blink.
You would never vote for a Democrat, because they have no values, even if your other choices were Nixon, DeLay, Cunningham or Foley.
You want to see social security reformed by having senior citizens gamble their benefits on the stock market.
You believe helping the less fortunate is a crime.
Is this helping? I used facts, but you might not recognize them if you don't use them a lot. Not all conservatives are wingnuts, although all wingnuts are conservatives. "
Wow-- I love reading that.
It makes up for years of abusive conservative changes disguised as "balancing" things that were never unjust or unbalanced to begin with. Their media machine was not accurate-- but it was LOUD. YOu probably never head of all the subtle changes they made in YOUR media consumerisim, subtle things designed to slowly weed out truth, and replace it with pre-approved party supporting trash.
Lets see how that goes with things like PBS and the jerrymandering of the whole Broadcasting system to the right:
Or the "documentaries" they had produced to make you hate the good guys and think only Bush knows whats right:
Or the future of what you will see in the media - we can actually predict Karl Rove's overall agendas being carried out (as they have in the past) right here: this iste has one great quote you should remember: " Is there any way the Dems can fight back against the GOP noise machine for a change? Yes, there is, actually. They need to revive the Fairness Doctrine, a policy that required broadcasters using the public airwaves to give equal coverage to all sides of major issues. The 1987 abolishment of the Fairness Doctrine by Ronald Reagan led directly to the rise of the likes of Rush Limbaugh and the rest of today's mighty GOP propaganda noise machine."
I'm no pro blogger-- I'm a VERY angry woman who has seen her family personally suffer financially, socially, politically, and personally by the wealthy arrogant 2% of Americans that own the GOP and made BILLIONS in the last 6 years--- and spent the 8 before that trashing possibly the greatest President in US History (hey- he stuck his dick out, but if THAT'S the WORST thing you can say-- and you can compare that to Gitmo, well, you need more than an education. You need God's forgiveness for being unable to evaluate the world). I have seen my country become a laughing stock whipping boy that acts like Idi Amin lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. I have watched my rights erode and my ability to even get intelligent medical care erode in the face of religious demands and poltical agendas that don't care who lives or dies, just so long as the rich get richer and the religious nuts don't stop voting GOP.
Watching Rush suddenly have to find an excuse for his immoral actions and greedy part in the destruction of America, I can only hope that eventually, he just shuts the hell up.Those who believed him (and I have relatives that think he never said a WORD that wasn't correct) are too stupid to check the facts, and too arrogant that they are NOT stupid to worry about what HAS happened when they were wrong.
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